The chart below is a guideline with very close start points with 30-33” tires riding at sea level elevation. Choose the Crankshaft Horsepower (CHP)/Wheel Horsepower (WHP) that best matches your RZR. Identical cars may have HP differences of up to 10 HP due to engine manufacturing tolerances, so clutch kit calibration adjustments are necessary in most cases.
For High Altitudes: Subtract 15% from the published HP range of your tune to get actual effective HP.
Example: 200 CHP (at sea level) x 0.85 = 170 CHP (use the 161 CHP line in the chart as your baseline setting).
For Sand Dunes or Large Tires (35”+): Subtract 8% from the published HP range of your tune to get actual effective HP.
Example: 200 CHP x 0.92 = 184 CHP (use the 181 CHP line in the chart as your baseline setting).
For Tires 28” and Smaller: Add 8% from the published HP range of your tune to get actual effective HP.
Example: 200 CHP x 1.08 = 216 CHP (use the 220 CHP line in the chart as your baseline setting).
For Launch Control: Install the Launch Control Primary Spring (sold separately) as it is a high engagement spring and will raise engagement RPMs for your Launch Control setup. Add 2 magnets to each arm in Hole #1 or #2 to compensate for additional spring pressure.
Adjusting RPM: Cam arms have three magnet holes. Magnets MUST be distributed evenly to maintain clutch balance. Make sure ALL arms have identical magnet placement.
•Magnets in Hole #1 control RPMs below 30 MPH.
•Magnets in Hole #2 control RPMs between 30 and 50 MPH.
•Magnets in Hole #3 control RPMs above 60 MPH.
Adding magnets lowers RPMs, while removing magnets raises RPMs. Do not overfill magnet slots (FLUSH IS FULL). RPMs should be checked at 100% throttle between 20 and 70 MPH.
X302 Recommended Settings
•225 CHP / 190 WHP (Stock): Hole #1: 1 magnet, Hole #2: 4 magnets, Hole #3: 0 magnets.
Springs: OEM Primary Spring, KWI Black Orange Secondary Spring.
Full-Throttle RPM: 8200 ± 200 RPM.
•250 CHP / 225 WHP: Hole #1: 2 magnets, Hole #2: 4 magnets, Hole #3: 2 magnets.
•270 CHP / 240 WHP: Hole #1: 4 magnets, Hole #2: 4 magnets, Hole #3: 4 magnets.
•300 CHP / 280 WHP (22 PSI): Hole #1: 5 magnets, Hole #2: 4 magnets, Hole #3: 3 magnets.
X302T Recommended Settings
300 CHP / 280 WHP: Hole #1: 4 magnets, Hole #2: 3 magnets, Hole #3: 1 magnet.
Springs: KWI Red Primary Spring, KWI Black Orange Secondary Spring. Full-Throttle RPM: 8400 ± 200 RPM.
350 CHP / 330 WHP: Hole #1: 5 magnets, Hole #2: 5 magnets, Hole #3: 5 magnets.